external parts of the horse body
First: Cape
It has the front and the ears, the eyes, nose and Tagueta Almktm.
Second: the neck
There are felt by the knowledge and Cefana neck and nape and low intravenous Alodjy.
III: Lists the front
Starting shoulder area and anterior chest and upper arm and forearm Hawa shoulder and knee and cannon and Pomegranate and restriction
And corona and the hoof, which consists of a bowl hoof in contact with the ground and the eagle and the hoof wall, contactless
Fourth: trunk
There are the back and withers and [withers is the highest point in the body of the horse and which is measured by the length of the horse]
And disability, cotton, and the ribs and abdomen.
V.: Lists background
Area and begin the disability and rump and thigh, and leg and tendon and cannon and Pomegranate and limitation and corona and hoof
Sixth: the tail
It consists of Wither and tail hair
Of course, in some words in the body parts not understood possible understand what it means to identify the location of the image during this photo and the photo in the above
When you buy a horse pasture should be three points and they
1. Out of the horse: this can be identified through the official certification from the competent authorities.
2. The purpose of the purchase: the horse and whether jumping or race or play.
3. Examination of the horse: the horse must be examined when you buy it by the specialists to make sure is free of defects Zahripwalamrad while ensuring the integrity of the lists and incentives given to their importance.
Now we address how to scan
Examination of horses
* The size of the head is a moderate not great nor small
* Ear: small and upright to the highest
* Eyes: away from each other with a broad front
* Nose: Please horses of the nose and wide nostrils
High to some extent and relatively Taiwiap
Anterior chest:
Ocean was a good horse should be ample and rounded
Lists the front:
Must be checked good for the muscles to the shoulder and upper arm and forearm and must be prominent and complete building
And consistent with the knees
Lists the background:
Are Mlahoudtha the back of the horse standing on level ground and the horse must be good that there will be
Consistent and prominent in the muscles of rump and thigh and leg with the coherence of the background strings and inclination angle of the hoof